With the start of a new school year and everyone being back on campus, the importance of contact tracing has never been greater.

A school’s ability to efficiently determine who a student or staff member have been in close contact with will be paramount to the health of everyone involved.

Having a communication system in place that allows you to not only trace those that have come in contact with a positive COVID-19 case, but to also immediately notify those individuals, will efficiently help ensure that families are informed, and students and staff are safe.

BrightArrow is committed to alleviating the workload and providing tools that can help communicate information effectively and efficiently. Now PowerSchool districts and independent schools can eliminate COVID tracing by hand and rely on notification software to create and launch tracing communications.

BrightArrow’s COVID Tracer & Notifier allows school districts to track and notify those students and staff that have been infected by COVID-19 with the click of a few buttons launched within PowerSchool.

The difference between BrightArrow’s COVID Tracer compared to others is that our feature combines the selection of contacts and the message sending process into a single set of steps, saving admins hours worth of work exchanged for only minutes.

This feature is efficient, streamlined, flexible and timesaving. All records of tracking are documented and obtainable.

Maintaining efficient engagement and communication between parents, students and staff is essential for alerting those of potential exposure, while lessening a higher outbreak. Lean on BrightArrow’s mass communication tools with features that will help you streamline the process and save admins hours worth of work every day.

To learn more about BrightArrow’s COVID Tracer & Notifier for PowerSchool, reach out to Sales@BrightArrow.com.

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